Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings & Sandy Benefit

Why, hello fellow beaders!  We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season! 

This Saturday, January 12, 2012 from 4pm - 2am, please join the Ship Bottom Fire Company at the Surf City Fire House for the Sandy Blows LBI Hurricane Benefit.  As you all know, LBI was hit during hurricane Sandy and our Ship Bottom Fire Company lost 3 firetrucks and their firehouse was completely flooded out during the storm.  Suggested donation of $10.00 per person is appreciated with all proceeds going to the Ship Bottom Fire Co to help LBI businesses and families affected by Hurricane Sandy.  For more information on the event, please go to: My LBI Life: Sandy Blows.

Just Bead It will be contributing with some bracelets and necklaces for purchase!

Here is a sneak peak of what we are making:

 So if you have time, stop by and help rebuild LBI's local businesses and residents.  The more we help each other, the stronger we will become!

Post Sandy Updates:

  • Our Stone Harbor store is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 11ish-5ish. 
  • We are continuing on updating our Fuession website, but it is still viewable and can still order some jewelry!  So please check it out---but we apologize for any disabled links on the page.
  • Along with our "Jersey Strong" and "LBI Strong" Necklaces, we now have keychains!  They're only $9.97 and you can order them on our Fuession website.
....and as always, we are always handcrafting new and more jewelry every day.  Stop on by and check out our Jersey Strong jewelry and all of our other new jewelry!  Your support means the world to us, and to LBI.

Just remember...BEAD STRONG.